Css Basics

CSS: --

To write css in the 3 ways
1.       Inline css
(it works only single element)

<h1 style=”background-color:red;text-align:center;border:solid 1px #000”>
Welcome to inline css

<p style=”background-color:red;text-align:center;border:solid 1px #000”>
Eg 2
Exp 2

<table style=”bgcolor:yellow”>


<h1 style=”background-color:red;text-align:center;border:solid 1px #000”>
Welcome to inline css

2.       Internal css
(it works single page)
The internal css to write in the header section of the page
H1 {
border:solid 1px #000;
3.       External css
(what are the css to write in the external format those css to apply more then one page)
The external css to write in separate page, the file to save file name.css
The external css to link html page we use LINk element

<link href=”externalcss.css” rel=”stylesheet”>
Main key features: -
1.       Selectors
(it’s identification of the group of css attributes and properties )
a.       Global selector
(What are the attributes and properties to write by using global selector those attributes and properties it’s effected all elements in the page)
Here to write group of attributes and properties
Text Box: Group of attributes and properties*{

b.      Html element selector
(to write attributes and properties by using any html element selector)

Syntax :

H1 {
Here group of attributes and properties

p {
Here group of attributes and properties

Div {
Here group of attributes and properties


H1 {
Border:solid 1px #000;

div {
Border:solid 1px #000;

c.       User define selector
(the selector identification to define in the custom format of the user)
User define selectors are 2 types
                                                                          i.      ID Selector ( # )
                                                                        ii.      Class Selector ( . )

Syntax for id:
#mycustomid {
Here to write attributes and properties
<div id=”mycustomid”>……………………………..</div>

Syntax for class:
.mycustomid {
Here to write attributes and properties
<div class=”mycustomid”>…………………….</div>
d.      Multi selector
(the group of attribute and properties to apply more than one selector we use multi selectors)

H1, p, div, form, table, #mycustomid, .mycustomclass {
Here to write group of attributes and properties

H1, p, div, form, table, #mycustomid, .mycustomclass {

e.      Attribute selectors
(The group of attributes and properties to apply the particular attrite in a element we use attribute selectors)

Input [type=text] {
Here group of attributes and properties
Input [placeholoder] {
Here group of attributes and properties

Input [type=password] {
Here group of attributes and properties
Img [alt] {
Here group of attributes and properties
Div p:fist-line {
Here group of attributes and properties
Ul li:last-child {
Here group of attributes and properties


Input [type=text] {
Border:solid 1px #f1f1f1;

2.       Attributes
3.       Properties
Attributes and properties are dependent selectors
Help this to specify  behavior of the selector

Principal for write attributes and properties : -
1.       ( - ) to more than one keyword in the attribute
Background-color: red;
List-style-type: none;
2.       To link attribute and properties with the help of  ( : )
Color : red
Size : 20px

3.       to close one attribute and property by using ( ; )

Color : red ;
Size : 20px ;
4.       the property it there more then one key word to use double quote ( “ “ )

font-family: ”times new roman”;

CSS regular attributes and properties: -
1.       Margin
(To maintain outside space of the container we use margins)
 The margins to apply in all directions à Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Auto

2.       Padding
(to maintain inside space of the container we use padding)
The padding to apply in all direction of the container
(Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
Padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;
(Top, right, bottom, left)
(all sides 10px;)
Padding:10px 50px;
(top, bottom =10)
(left, right=50)
3.       Float
(to coordinate the container in the particular direction we use float)
The coordination’s are float:left and float:right;

4.       Width à to specify the container width (Maser units à Pixel, percentage)  
5.       Height à  to specify the container height (Maser units à Pixel, percentage)
Example :
Width: 100%;
Height: 100px;

6.       Background-color / Background-image / Background à help this attribute to add solid color /  Multi Color /  pattern / Picture
Example :

7.       Font-family à to add font styles  /  models
8.       Font-size à to Specify the size of the text


9.       Line-height à To specify space between the lines

10.   Border à to add border of the container (slide, dotted, dashed)

11.   Colorà to apply only solid text color



Quick Reference—CSS3 Properties
CSS3 provides new properties to create visual and dynamic effects that are an essential part of the web these days.


This property generates rounded corners for box elements. It has two different
parameters that shape every corner of the box. The first parameter determines the horizontal
curve and the second the vertical curve, providing the possibility of creating an ellipsis. Using
just one value will shape the corners equally (e.g., border-radius: 20px). A value for each
corner may be declared, clockwise, from top-left to bottom-left. To declare both parameters of
the curve, the values must be separated with a slash (e.g., border-radius: 15px / 20px).


This property creates shadows for box elements. It may take five parameters: the
color, the horizontal offset, the vertical offset, the blur effect, and the inset keyword to
generate the shadow inside the element. The offsets may be negative, and the blur and inset
values are optional (e.g., box-shadow: #000000 5px 5px 10px inset).


This property is similar to box-shadow but specific for texts. It takes four
parameters: the color, the horizontal offset, the vertical offset, and the blur effect (e.g., textshadow:#000000 5px 5px 10px).


This rule will let you load and use any font you want. First you have to create the
font, providing a name with the font-family property and the file with src (e.g., @font-face
{ font-family: Myfont; src: url('fontfile.ttf') }). After this, you will be able to assign
the font (in the example, Myfont) to any element in the document.

linear-gradient(start position, from color, to color)

This function may be applied to the background or background-image property to generate a linear gradient. The attributes indicate the starting point and the colors used to create the gradient. The first value can be specified in pixels, in a percentage or using the keywords top, bottom, left and right. The starting position may be replaced by an angle to provide a specific direction for the gradient (e.g., lineargradient(top, #FFFFFF 50%, #006699 90%);).

radial-gradient(start position, shape, from color, to color)

This function may be applied to the background or background-image property to generate a radial gradient. The start position is the origin and can be declared either as pixels, as percentage or as a combination of the keywords center, top, bottom, left and right. There are two values for the shape: circle and ellipse, and the color stops indicate the color and the position where transitions start (e.g.,radial-gradient(center, circle, #FFFFFF 0%, #006699 200%);).


This function is an improvement of the previous rgb(). It will take four values: the red
color (0-255), the green color (0-255), the blue color (0-255), and the opacity (a value between
0 and 1).


This function is an improvement of the previous hsl(). It will take four values: the hue
(a value between 0 and 360), the saturation (a percentage), the lightness (a percentage), and the
opacity (a value between 0 and 1).


This property has been improved by the addition of another property called outlineoffset.
Both properties combined generate a second border away from the first one (e.g.,
outline: 1px solid #000000; outline-offset: 10px;).


This property creates a border with a custom image. It needs a border set previously with the property border or border-with, and it takes at least three parameters: the URL of the image, the size of the pieces that will be taken from that image to build the border and a keyword that specifies how those pieces will be placed (e.g., border-image: url ("file.png") 15 stretch;).


This property modifies the shape of an element. It uses four basic functions: scale,
rotate, skew, and translate. The function scale takes only one value. A negative value inverts
the element, a value between 0 and 1 reduces the element, and a value greater than 1 expands
the element (e.g., transform: scale(1.5);). The function rotate uses only one value expressed
in degrees to rotate the image (e.g., transform: rotate(20deg);). The function skew has two
values, also in degrees, for horizontal and vertical transformation (e.g., transform: skew(20deg,
20deg);). The function translate moves the object as many pixels as specified by its two
parameters (e.g., transform: translate(20px);).


This property can be applied to other properties to create a transition between two
status of an element. It takes up to four parameters: the property affected, the time it takes from
start to end, a keyword to declared how the transition will be made (ease, linear, ease-in,
ease-out, ease-in-out) and a delay for the time to take the transition to start (e.g., transition:

color 2s linear 1s;).


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