
Internet Basics

An Introduction to HTML 5
Explore Web Browsers
Explore HTML Editors
Understanding HTML Syntax
View HTML Code in a Browser
Plan a Web Site
Understanding HTML Document Structure
Start an HTML Document
Save an HTML Document
View an HTML Page
Add a Document Declaration
Add Metadata
Create a New Paragraph
Change Paragraph Alignment
Add a Line Break
Insert a Blank Space
Insert Preformatted Text
Insert a Heading
Insert a Comment
Create a Numbered List
Create a Bulleted List
Create a Nested List
Create a Definition List

Format Text
Make Text Bold
Italicize Text
Add Underlining to Text
Change Fonts
Change Font Size
Change the Text Color
Adjust Margins
Set a Background Page Color
Add a Horizontal Line

Adding Images

Understanding Web Page Images
Prepare Your Images for the Web
Insert an Image
Specify an Image Size
Add Alternative Text
Create an Image Label
Add Copyright Text to Images
Align an Image Horizontally
Align an Image Vertically
Center an Image
Wrap Text between Images
Stop Text wrap
Set an Image Border
Add Space Around an Image
Add a Background Image
Create an Image Banner
Understanding Links.
Understanding URLs
Link to Another Page
Open a Linked Page in a New Window
Link to an Area on the Same Page
Link to Another File Type
Link to an E-mail Address
Change Link Colors
Working with Tables
Understanding Table Structure
Add a Table
Assign a Table Border
Adjust Cell Padding and Spacing
Adjust Cell Width and Height
Add Column Labels
Create Newspaper-Style Columns
Create Side Navigation
Add a Table
Control which Borders to Display
Adjust the Table Size
Change Cell Alignment
Extend Cells across Columns and Rows
Create Column and Row Groups
Add a Background Color to Cells
Add a Background Color to a Table.
Insert an Image in a Cell
Insert a Background Image
Change Table Alignment.
Control Text Wrapping in Cells.

Working with Frames
Understanding Frames
Create Frames
Customize Frame Borders
Control Frame Margins
Add Alternative Text
Prevent Frame Resizing
Hide or Display Frame Scroll Bars
Target a Link
Create a Nested Frameset
Create an Inline Frame

Creating Forms
Understanding Forms
Types of Form Elements
Create a Form
Add a Text Box
Add a Large Text Area
Add Check Boxes
Add Radio Buttons
Add a Menu List
Add a Submit Button
Add a Reset Button
Add Active Labels
Change the Tab Order
Add a File Upload Element
Group Form Elements

Adding Multimedia and Extra Touches cha
Understanding Multimedia Elements
Link to Audio or Video Files
Embed a Video File
Embed an Audio File
Embed a Flash Movie
Embed a Video Clip from YouTube
Add a Google Search Box to Your Page

HTML Web Forms
·         Email
·         search
·         url
·         tel
·         number
·         range
·         date
·         month
·         week
·         time
·         datetime
·         datetime-local
·         color
·         Attributes
·         Autofocus
·         novalidate
·         placeholder
·         required
·         pattern
·         form
·         list
·         datalist
·         progress
·         output
·         Methods
·         Events
·         invalid
·         valid

·         getContext(context)
·         fillRect(x, y, width, height)
·         strokeRect(x, y, width, height)
·         clearRect(x, y, width, height)
·         createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2)
·         createRadialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2)
·         beginPath()
·         closePath()
·         stroke()
·         fill()
·         clip()
·         moveTo(x, y)
·         lineTo(x, y)
·         rect(x, y, width, height)
·         arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, direction)
·         bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y
·         strokeText(text, x, y, max)
·         fillText(text, x, y, max)
·         measureText(text)
·         translate(x, y)
·         rotate(angle)
·         scale
·         transform
·         setTransform
·         save()
·         restore()
·         drawImage()
·         getImageData(x, y, width, height)
·         strokeStyle
·         fillStyle
·         lineWidth
·         lineCap
·         lineJoin
·         font
·         textAlign
·         textBaseline
·         shadowColor
·         shadowOffsetX
·         shadowOffsetY
·         shadowBlur

Video and Audios
·         <video>
·         <audio>
·         controls
·         autoplay
·         as possible.
·         Loop
·         preload
·         poster
·         width
·         height
·         Events
Geolocation API Finding
Web Storage for the web (Local and Server)
Drag and Drop for the Web
Creating Style Sheets 3.0
Understanding Style Sheets
Create an External Style Sheet
Link to a Style Sheet
Add Comments to a Style Sheet
Create an Internal Style Sheet
Create a Class
Apply a Style with the DIV Tag
Apply a Style Locally (Inline css)
Apply a Style Using the ID Attribute
Formatting Text with Style Sheets
Add Bold to Text
Italicize Text
Indent Text
Change the Font Size
Change the Font
Change the Text Case
Change Text Alignment
Control Line Spacing
Control Letter Spacing
Add Color to Text
Add a Background Color to an Element
Add a Background Image to an Element
Add a Border
Change Link Colors
Change Link Hover Effects
Change Bullet or Number Styles
Customize Form Elements

Controlling Layout with Style Sheets 3.0 and HTML5
HTML 5 and CSS3 provides new properties to create visual and dynamic effects
(Creating RESPONSIVE WEB SITE and MOBILE APPLICATIONS AND SITES by Using all Latest Element and Attributes and Properties)

·         header
·         nav
·         section
·         aside
·         footer
·         article
·         hgroup
·         figure
·         figcaption
·         mark
·         small
·         cite
·         address
·         time

·         Control Layout
·         Set Width and Height for an Element
·         Use Relative Positioning
·         Use Absolute Positioning
·         Use Fixed Positioning
·         Set Margins
·         Add Padding
·         Wrap Text around Elements
·         Change Vertical Alignment
·         Create a Centered Layout
·         Control the Overlap of Elements
·         Hide an Element
·         Customize a Background Image
·         border-radius
·         box-shadow
·         text-shadow
·         font-face
·         linear-gradient
·         radial-gradient
·         rgba
·         border-image
·         transform
·         transition

CSS3 3D Transforms, Transitions,
and Animations
CSS3 Transitions for Images
Resizing Elements in Responsive Web Design
Without Transitions
Resizing Elements in Responsive Web Design with Transitions
CSS3 Transitions for UI Elements

Publishing Your Web Pages
Understanding Web Page Publishing
Transfer Files to a Web Server with WS_FTP
Promote Your Web Site
Using Website Control Panel
Buy Domain
Buy Web Space


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