PHP-Variables and Data Types | How to Use Variables in PHP | PHP Data Types

Variables and Data Types in PHP: -

To Store Different Data in a Variable.
PHP supports the Following Data Types.

  • String
    • (String is a sequence of Characters)
    • String can be any text inside the code

    • exp : $name="Visually Teach";

  • Integer
    • none decimal Numbers
    • Integer formats are : 
      • Decimals
      • Hexadecimals
      • octal
    • Exp:
    • $my_Age=30;

  • Float (Floating point number - also called double)
    • Floating is number with decimal points / Double Numbers.
    • exp: -
    • $my_GPA=9.7;
  • Boolean

  • A Boolean represents two things : TRUE or FALSE.
    Booleans used in conditional testing.

    $x = true; $y = false;
  • Array: -
    • To stores multiple values in one single variable
    • Exp:
    • $courses=array("Graphic Application","Web Application","Digital Marketing");

    • When you Print: -
    • echo $courses[0] . ", " . $courses[1] . " and " . $courses[2] . "."
Array Types : -

There are three types of arrays:
Indexed arrays - Arrays with numeric index
Associative arrays - Arrays with named keys

Multidimensional arrays - Arrays containing one or more arrays

How to write Simple Program for Variable and Data Types: -


$jit="jeevanIT Computer Education";
$course="Web Development";

echo $jit;

echo "<br>";
echo $fee." + ".$adm_fee;
echo "=";
echo $fee+$adm_fee;



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