Framework/grid system in css3

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>MEDIA QUERY</title>
body {

.row {

.col-12 {
    width: 100%;
  .col-11 {
    width: 91.66666667%;
  .col-10 {
    width: 83.33333333%;
  .col-9 {
    width: 75%;
  .col-8 {
    width: 66.66666667%;
  .col-7 {
    width: 58.33333333%;
  .col-6 {
    width: 50%;
  .col-5 {
    width: 41.66666667%;
  .col-4 {
    width: 33.33333333%;
  .col-3 {
    width: 25%;
  .col-2 {
    width: 16.66666667%;
  .col-1 {
    width: 8.33333333%;
.col-1, .col-2, .col-3, .col-4, .col-5, .col-6, .col-7, .col-8, .col-9, .col-10, .col-11, .col-12 {
    float: left;
body {
body {
.col-1, .col-2, .col-3, .col-4, .col-5, .col-6, .col-7, .col-8, .col-9, .col-10, .col-11, .col-12 {
body {
.col-1, .col-2, .col-3, .col-4, .col-5, .col-6, .col-7, .col-8, .col-9, .col-10, .col-11, .col-12 {


<div dir="row">
<div class="col-12" style="background:#666">
    <h1 align="center">Welcome to Media Query</h1>
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-6" style="background:#FC9">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors

    <div class="col-6" style="background:#96F">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors

    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-4">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors

    <div class="col-4" style="background:#9CC">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors

    <div class="col-4">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors


 <div class="row">
 <div class="col-3" style="background:#09C">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors


  <div class="col-9">
    (Hypertext markup language)
Help of the html to develop web pages and websites
Web page means: - collection of the various information
Web site means: - collection the pages
Language: - collection of the programs
Program: - collection of the instructions / commands / orders
Markup means: - directions / existing commands / instructions
Hypertext: - Interlinks (to link one page to another page)
The html program to write by using any text editors


  <div class="row">
  <div class="col-12" style="background:#6C6"><p align="center">copyrigt@2017</p></div>


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